Panel Discussion

From Translate Science
Revision as of 20:49, 24 May 2024 by DanChan (talk | contribs) (still working on it)

Format(s) and Purpose

Panel discussion events are used by Translate Science to gather folks in our wider community and amplify or otherwise highlight ideas and work from folks we think are advancing multilingual science. In our core contributor meeting we have discussed that panels may take on various formats such as


Intentionally represent multiple diverse aspects of Translate Science in a single panel


All panelists within one specific focus related to multilingual science. Some possible examples:

  • Support services
  • Journals
  • Teaching
  • Translation Technology
Aim for the Middle

Panelists all clearly within point II.4 of UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science

"an organized attempt ... by  means  of  the objective  study  of  observed phenomena and its validation ... to  discover  and  master  the  chain  of  causalities,  relations  or  interactions [for] understanding  of  the  processes  and  phenomena  occurring  in  nature  and  society."


We chose to do an online panel for our first community event because it could be planned and executed remotely by our core contributor team at while still. The following checklist was based on the processes we followed to execute the event.



  • Choose a panel format
  • If required create questions and/or define theme so panelist know what they will speak about
  • Choose an approximate date for the panel (~2 month lead)
  • Draft a template invitation for panelists
    • Explain Translate Science
    • Communicate why we are inviting them to the panel
    • Ensure they confirm their availability around the approximate date
  • Based on responses choose a final date for the panel
  • Confirm with the panelists the date
    • Invite panelists to a pre-meeting to discuss (~1 month lead) and meet the core contributors
    • Ask for a headshot and bio
  • Create a blog link that will be the main
  • Create promotional images for the event using the headshots and QR code
  • Update calendar with event date
  • Publish blog post
    • Add promo images
    • Ensure the link to the calendar and translate science external room are there
  • Blast social media and email list announcing event
  • Meet with panelists
    • Align expectations for the panel
    • Ensure they know the format of the event
    • Get consent for a recording, and a CC-BY licensing
    • Ask them to help promote
    • Invite them to join the room early (
  • Keep sending out invitations to attend
  • Create a run of show outlining
  • Assign roles for the panel
    • Speaking moderator
    • Chat moderator

Day-of panel

  • Ensure th